Matthew Lam Dec 08, 2019 16:00 In this second part of our interview with Cascarilla, he explains why the PAX stablecoin is ultimately superior to Tether and gives his thoughts on Facebook’s Libra project and the nature of money. Exclusive interview with Charles Cascarilla, CEO and Co-Founder of Paxos: Part 2 (Link: Part 1) Charles
Author: letsdoh
Matthew Lam Jun 19, 2019 02:00 Following Part 1 of our interview, Larry took a deeper dive in Everipedia in terms of governance model, staking mechanism and public awareness. He also addressed the question that have drawn widespread curiosity of public: Will Everipedia replace Wikipedia in future? Following Part 1 of our interview, Larry took a deeper
The United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) established LabCFTC as an initiative under the General Counsel’s office in 2017 aimed at promoting FinTech innovation and competition. The office has been very active with over 400 different private meetings held with innovators in the last three years. In addition, LabCFTC has published three primers in